Caregivers Will Become PR Faster With This Recent Update!

05.03.2023 01:13 PM

Isn't It Nice to Become a Canadian PR Faster?

In case you haven't heard yet, effective April 30 2023, Caregivers can finalize their Permanent Residency application with as low as 12 months Canadian work experience from the initial experience requirement of 24 months.

     This is good news to Caregivers and their families. Being PR will open a lot of opportunities. You can work for almost any employers, you can be self-employed, you can go to school, etc. In short, you will have more flexibilities and less restrictions of what you can do.

     Working in Canada under a work permit, especially the restricted ones, can be very stressful. I should know, because, I myself, came to Canada under a restricted work permit. 

     But let us talk about the two Caregiver programs. There are two of them- Home Child Care Provider and Home Support Worker. Both have very identical requirements except for their main duties and responsibilities. Of the two streams, HCCP is the more popular one and its cap gets filled easily. I remember for year 2023, all the available spots got filled in a span of 2 to 3 hours from opening. 

     Therefore, if you want to come to Canada as  a Caregiver, I would suggest you prepare your application as soon as possible and be very strategic if you wish to apply under HCCP. OR, you can look for a HSWP jobs because this streams doesn't get filled quickly. As of this writing, there are still spots available under this program.

     According to IRCC, to be Home support workers, you must care for someone who needs help from a home support worker in your employer’s private home and work location should not be in institutionalized settings like a nursing home. So, if you could find an employer in this stream and as long as you perform essential duties and responsibilities, this is a perfect gateway for you to fulfill your Canadian dreams. You may go look for a potential employer by going to or because you never know.

      If you have any further questions about the Home Support Worker Program, feel free to reach out to us.

Ryan Jacob