NEW! Some Exciting Proposals Underway

12.07.2023 11:17 AM

These are changes you want to look out for!

Are You in the US and want to move to Canada? Or, you want to put up a Start Up Business in Canada?
Here are some news you can use.

Minister Fraser launches Canada’s first-ever Tech Talent Strategy at Collision 2023

This is a very exciting news. And what particularly caught my attention are the following:
--- the creation of an open work permit stream for H-1B specialty occupation visa holders in the US to apply for a Canadian work permit, and study or work permit options for their accompanying family members
---improvements to the Start-up Visa Program particularly the Open Work Permit option not just for the essential worker(s) but to all members of the team.

If you are in the US and you hold the above Visa and looking to move to Canada, this is your chance. OR , if you are looking to put up a Start Up business, you can benefit from these changes.

So which proposals caught your attention according to the article?

Call us at +1-587-333-3519 for your Canadian Immigration and Citizenship needs. 

Ryan Jacob